Four Developmental Domains

These areas are strengths that we want to leverage on and use to encourage. It could also be a weakness which can be turned in an opportunity for growth. The staff plan and coordinate programmes with the residents’ family and our different partners to facilitate growth in each developmental domain. Our programmes usually do not just involve one developmental domain but a combination of different domains.

In this domain, we aim to influence their attitude by instilling positive values and beliefs. Values and beliefs make up the core of our being and it affects the words we use, the reaction we make and the habits we keep. We challenge their old values and belief system, and encourage them to replace the unnecessary ones with prosocial, positive ones.

Every resident in the CRC is assigned a Case Manager. The staff see them in CRC everyday and allocate regular meet ups to talk through with them the challenges they are facing and mentor them.

The residents in CRC plan Service Learning projects to give back to the community. Through these projects, the residents hone their skills such as self awareness, working in a team and project management. At the same time, they are more aware of the social issues in the community and grow to be more empathetic and learn to look beyond themselves.

In this domain, we aim to improve how they interact with the community and we aim to expand their social circle and bring in more positive influences.

There will be both tears and laughter in the process but they all learn to live not just for themselves but also think about how their actions affect the community around them. The residents in CRC are allocated to a team where they set goals and work together to achieve them. In a community setting as such, relationships are built and it is inevitable for conflicts to arise.

Each Life Group has Team Coaches and a Case Manager who would mentor and guide them.

New residents are not only oriented to the new environment by the staff, they are also assigned a resident mentor who would help them assimilate into the community. This resident mentor briefs him about the routines and the discipline standards of the CRC, and updates the Case Manager and Team Coaches.

The residents in CRC does Service Learning projects to give back to the community. They are given the necessary skills to run a project and are challenged to plan the entire project in the groups allocated. This process would not just involve skills to plan and execute a project operationally, it will also involve them to work through their differences in a team setting.

Besides being an issue of livelihood, it is crucial in their rehabilitation that the residents are meaningfully engaged. This would mean they have goals and they find purpose in doing the things they do. Having that drive and focus keeps them from distractions and prevents them from reoffending.

We work closely with teachers and employers to support the rehabilitation of the residents. We keep each other updated of their progress and we discuss about how to best approach certain matters. We provide our expertise in dealing with the unique profile of our youth and we help teachers/employers understand our youth better. At the same time, the coaches hear from the residents about their challenges at work and help them cope with these challenges through mentoring them. Sometimes they do so by providing insights to the matter, sometimes it involves facilitating a learning session and sometimes it may involve setting up a conference with the teacher/employer to resolve issues.

We recognise that support from the family is important in the rehabilitation of the residents. However, going through the justice system can be traumatising for both the resident and the family members of the resident. Mistrust, hurt, anger are some of the negative emotions that results. We aim to strengthen family and restore relationships if necessary.

During the admission of the residents, parents are immediately introduced to the staff who will be in charge of the resident’s overall well being during his stay in the CRC. The Case Manager updates the parents of their son’s progress and go for home visits to better understand the resident and his family. CRC also organises a Resident Family Gathering every 2 months. During these sessions, different staff engages in conversations with parents to share with the parents their different experience with the resident, giving them a more holistic update of their behaviour.

Want to join us?

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